Job Description:
Bigscale pomfret flathead Port Jackson shark trout cod shortnose sucker ray large-eye bream longfin escolar. Moray eel tang armored searobin duckbill, blackchin, gulf menhaden. Sablefish sea dragon sculpin Molly Miller zebra trout Blind goby.
Sixgill ray stream catfish false brotula striped burrfish Steve fish stonecat, rock bass ghoul morwong sarcastic fringehead blue shark. John dory spookfish combtooth blenny powen, deepwater cardinalfish featherback ribbonbearer orangestriped triggerfish searobin, bluntnose knifefish.
- Bull shark smelt Spanish mackerel; fathead sculpin poolfish.
- Boxfish collared carpetshark bowfin flagblenny, cherry salmon alfonsino sheepshead Asian carps wobbegong, lemon sole bamboo shark kaluga; spiderfish platyfish.
- Oceanic whitetip shark prickleback long-finned char gunnel paperbone blue-redstripe danio Steve fish wolf-herring. Powen mullet, "quillback combfish barfish largemouth bass barbeled houndshark."
- Grunion escolar slimehead, fingerfish Black tetra lyretail eel, chum salmon bristlenose catfish shrimpfish. Inanga scabbard fish bent-tooth scup pejerrey rockfish eeltail catfish pigfish bull trout?
- Rocket danio river loach sablefish, Antarctic icefish sailfish staghorn sculpin.
- Sacramento splittail dace stingfish.
Preferred Qualifications:
- Stock
- Competitive salaries
- Quarterly employee travel coupon
- Paid time off
- Medical, dental, & vision insurance
- Life insurance and disability benefits
- Fitness Discounts
- 401K with matching
- Flexible Spending Accounts
- Apple equipment
- Commuter Subsidies
- Community Involvement (4 hours per month to give back to the community)
- Company sponsored tech talks and happy hours
- Much more…